Monday, January 19, 2009

Pond Hockey

Much of the last week has been spent on the pond. Shoveling, skating, boot hockey, cocoa in the warming house. Good times. Shawn did have to give his team a tutorial in pond ice management. Their high school brains thought they could be human zambonis, and they pour water onto the ice. No so much. And, they needed to learn proper shoveling. They're learning a lot more that just hockey skills. Maybe not resume worthy, but these are life skills, right? Check out for more great photos.

Only at this wacky boarding school would we have leather chairs and oriental rugs in the warming house. No gas logs in the fireplace. If we build a fire, we do it old school.

I am reminded of a story of Nanny, my great-grandmother, shoveling her own walk for years and years. It is amazing exercise and when I have Lachen and Aksel begging for more playing surface, I'm highly motivated. No treadmills for me on days like this!

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