Friday, June 18, 2010

Lachen's Author Day

Lachen's Author Day was a major event with songs, portfolio sharing, many flowers and gifts, and most importantly, a reading by each student in the class. Some students read stories, others biographies, and some read personal reflective essay on what they do in different seasons of the year. At the end, Lachen read two poems. He says with a shrug, "Writing poems is easy. I just do it." So, not only does Lachen write spy novels and funny stories with wacky characters, now he has discovered poetry. Here is my personal favorite:

"The Strange Pastries"
by Lachen
The croissants are poisonous.
The cannolis are attacking.
The bread has command over Asia.
Cookies have made a wall around
China, so they can't get out.
You are not safe.

Lachen read two other poems for his classmates and their parents. His poem about the number pi is a shape poem so you have to see it to appreciate it. The other, "Green Anaconda," was a crowd favorite.

"Green Anaconda"
by Lachen

I looked up.
A green rope was falling.
One second later
550 pounds of anaconda 
And ate me.
I'm having a great time 
Being digested. 

1 comment:

Elizabeth Brennan said...

Lachen, please send your pi poem to Joe - he loves to recite pi! He can say it by memory to the 100th decimal!