It's Friday night here in the Reid house. We just heard that Mary and Patrick are having a baby BOY! We're so, so excited for them and all the fun that awaits them. Yea!
Shawn is away at a hockey game tonight. We haven't had dinner together since before our trip to Florida, but Sunday night is looking good for a full dinner of four Reids. First time in 2 weeks. Not very impressive.
But, the boys and I have been having some quality time. A week in Florida with Grandma and Grandpa Hemberger, plus Jeanne and Pops. A day at Disney World and a day at Epcot Center, then some time in Naples at the beach, at the pool, and in the sauna on an uncharacteristically cool, windy day. With the swords the boys acquired in the Pirates of the Caribbean shop, life has been one big sword fight for the last week. If my boys do one thing well, it's costuming. If I had my camera battery charged, I could show you what they're wearing now: clip-on gold earrings, tri-corner hats, gold beads, rolled up sailor pants, and bare-chests. They're ready for the high seas.
In theme, tonight we dined on octopus that Aksel insisted that we buy at Whole Foods. In fact, he put on quite a show begging and pleading for the unlikely dinnertime option. Lest you think we're living high on the hog, two small octopi cost a whole 58 cents. The olives in the sauce cost more. But, it's a bit o' protein for the laddies.
Tomorrow morning after I teach the second act of
Henry IV, Part One, I'm taking the boys to the Framingham Library to hear the author of
Three Cups of Tea speak. I haven't read it, but so many people have told me that I should, I'm excited to hear him. Plus, since we have over $20 in overdue fines at our local library, I'm hoping we can get a new card at this library and Lachen can check out some books on CD. I know, it's more excitement than one family should experience! Of course, these morning activities will be bookended by Lachen's hockey at 7:00 a.m. and Aksel's at 12:20. Shawn has a hockey game in the afternoon, and then I am on dorm duty tomorrow night.
Hope your weekend is restful. I actually came back from Florida well-rested. Shawn, however, is running on very little fuel. He just called and said he had to take a player to the hospital to get stictches in his chin. He won't be home for hours. So much for bedtime stories with Daddy.