Tuesday, June 2, 2009

An exciting morning with the local wildlife

For those of you who have visited us, you know that we live near two ponds and we're surrounded by some serious wooded areas. It's great for exploring, finding wildflowers, crayfish, and tadpoles. We have mallards and Canadian geese. My neighbor was really worried about the fisher cat prowling in her trees. (They have inwardly turned teeth, like a shark. They're know to be vicious.) Basically, there 's just a lot of wildlife. So, it should not have surprised us when we can upon a HUGE turtle in the garden this morning on the way to the bus stop. (The photo with Aksel's profile in deceptive. This is a big turtle.) It had traveled through my garden crushing corn, upturning Swiss chard, burying lettuce, wreaking havoc on my burgeoning beets. Admittedly, I was concerned about my vegetables. When a huge turtle travels through, he does not tread lightly. And, from our many trips to the Minnesota Zoo, we all know that they feed the turtles salad. Loose leaf lettuce to be precise.
So, I indignantly grabbed Shawn's big work gloves, and I did pause for a moment looking at the gigantic crocodile-like tail, the huge head, and claws. During that pause, one of the trusty St. Mark's maintentance guys came by. "Oh yeah! She lays her eggs right there every year!"

WHAT? She's laying eggs?!? Suddenly, I'm feeling maternal solidarity with this heaving beast who traveled up a long and steep hill to lay her eggs. And look at the great lettuce just waiting for the babies when they hatch! What a good turtle mom. The shuddering, eye-rolling repulsion left. I left her there. She destroyed my garden. But, this is what mothers do.

This next part I only tell you because it is in the past and danger was indeed averted. This is a snapping turtle, and they are known to be very fast. They can snap at anything touching any part of their bodies except the tail. Aksel needed to pet the turtle on the shell and tail before school... I'M SORRY! He survived, but seriously. We narrowly avoid a turtle bite?!?

Signing off from Animal Kingdom,


Elizabeth Brennan said...

You will have to keep us updated with turtle photos! How fun!
Good luck surviving the end of the year crunch. We can't wait to see you.

Katy said...

I love this story!

Did the turtle really make that road through your garden? She MUST be in labor.

grampa said...

You were very brave to want to remove it yourself!! I would have yelled for Sid. Also, you are much more maternal than me. I would have been upset to lose all the vegetables but with you all being gone the month of July, it works out rather well that the turtle can benefit from your garden.
Can't wait to see all of you again.