Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Playmobil Forever

Lachen and Aksel combined efforts and the Rock Castle bad guys have made a truce with the Good Guy Castle. The two kings are sitting side by side in the throne room below. If only all wars could be settled this way...I do have to wonder why the queen has been moved off the pedestal. A lesson in feminism will be another day. Oh, wait. Lachen, my over-the-shoulder editor has just informed me that the only reason the queen was de-throned was because there wasn't enough space. She's still the queen, and she retains all of her powers. Aksel adds, "She's still in control of EVERYONE." Oh, I guess I have raised two feminists!


Katy said...

(fun post!)

Elizabeth Brennan said...

Can you believe your boys are this old? Wow. Let them know that I'm very impressed with their castle-making skills!